My own journey through profound healing has deeply shaped my approach.
I found talk therapy to be helpful but it did not seem to get to some of the root issues I was dealing with. I discovered Somatic therapies in 2016. I was burnt out, numb and disconnected to my own authentic self. I had suppressed overwhelming experiences and buried trauma, relying on socially acceptable coping mechanisms like an eating disorder, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and minimizing. It was a brilliant way to survive but also contributed to anxiety, depression and nervous system dysregulation.
Through somatic practices, I learned to slow down and explore the felt sense within the body. By tuning into the wisdom of sensation, I began to integrate the traumatic energy stored within my body, reconnect with the vulnerable parts of myself, and integrate them into a sense of wholeness.
Through consistent practice of being IN my body, I realized, I could come back into relationship with all parts of myself, not eliminating emotions but also to develop the capacity to be with them and discovering what makes me laugh again and what sparks my joy.
I hold a Bachelor’s in Psychology from USC and a Master’s of Sophrology. My post-master’s training in Trauma Informed Somatic therapies and Mind Body coaching provides me with a powerful, body-oriented approach to working with long held adaptation strategies – an approach that has also transformed my own life and nervous system.
The most effective practitioners are those who have walked their own healing journey, as they can guide YOU only as far as they have gone themselves.
I believe life is a continuous learning journey. And believe in sharing my learning and being in community.