While regular talk therapy session focuses on cognitively understanding and reframing thoughts and narrative, The Session is not about a exploring through dialogue only. It is a profound journey that touches your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic layers, unlocking the deepest healing and transformation within you.

Chantal Spanicciati is trained in a wide range of therapeutic modalities allowing you to heal your Mind, Body and Spirit at the conscious and subconscious levels and transform through somatic based therapies.  She uses a diverse combination of Somatic therapy, Somatic Stress Release™, MindBody Coaching, Mindfulness, Meditation, Sophrology, Biodynamic Breathwork, Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Parts Work as is needed or aligned with your needs and preferences. 

Rooted in both Eastern and Western philosophies, Somatic therapy uncovers unconscious beliefs and shifts habitual patterns. We reconnect with the hidden patterns and buried parts of yourself that have kept you from embracing your own wholeness and tap into your body’s innate ability to heal. The goal is to build resilience, reconnect with your authentic self, and embrace your wholeness, breaking free from limiting beliefs, anxiety, and emotional blocks.


Whatever happens in our lives impacts our mind either consciously or unconsciously. Somatics, derived from the Greek word soma meaning “the living body,” is a therapeutic approach that connects the mind, body, and spirit. It helps individuals cultivate a deeper awareness of their bodily sensations, fostering a sense of safety and presence within themselves. By using techniques such as breath, sound, touch, movement, and self-hypnosis, Somatic coaching allows us to release overwhelming experiences, restore balance, and promote emotional healing.

Somatic Stress Release™ is a specific modality within Somatics that focuses on the body’s physical sensations to release emotional and physical stress stored in the body.  The core idea behind SSR, is that stress, trauma, and suppressed emotions are stored in the body’s tissues, muscles, and nervous system. This stored stress can manifest as physical tension, pain, or emotional symptoms such as anxiety or depression. SSR encourages the body to release present or stored tension, facilitating deep healing and enhancing resilience, evolving into the fullest, most vibrant expression of yourself.

By exploring how experiences are held in the body, Somatic Coaching offers a pathway to uncover valuable insights and unlock long-held patterns. The focus is on enhancing one's internal perceptions and sensations, ultimately guiding individuals toward greater well-being and holistic wellness. The body becomes a gateway to greater aliveness, wholeness, and self-expression.


What makes this work different…

My gift lies in holding a safe, nurturing space and gently helping you uncover the limitations within.

Together, we release them with compassion, creating expansion, transformation and embody your full aliveness.



My own journey through profound healing has deeply shaped my approach.

I found talk therapy to be helpful but it did not seem to get to some of the root issues I was dealing with. I discovered Somatic therapies in 2016. I was burnt out, numb and disconnected to my own authentic self. I had suppressed overwhelming experiences and buried trauma, relying on socially acceptable coping mechanisms like an eating disorder, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and minimizing. It was a brilliant way to survive but also contributed to anxiety, depression and nervous system dysregulation.

Through somatic practices, I learned to slow down and explore the felt sense within the body. By tuning into the wisdom of sensation, I began to integrate the traumatic energy stored within my body, reconnect with the vulnerable parts of myself, and integrate them into a sense of wholeness. 

Through consistent practice of being IN my body, I realized, I could come back into relationship with all parts of myself, not eliminating  emotions but also to develop the capacity to be with them and discovering what makes me laugh again and what sparks my joy.


I hold a Bachelor’s in Psychology from USC and a Master’s of Sophrology. My post-master’s training in Trauma Informed Somatic therapies and Mind Body coaching provides me with a powerful, body-oriented approach to working with long held adaptation strategies – an approach that has also transformed my own life and nervous system.


The most effective practitioners are those who have walked their own healing journey, as they can guide YOU only as far as they have gone themselves.

I believe life is a continuous learning journey. And believe in sharing my learning and being in community.

  • Integrative Trauma Practitioner, ITP-2, Meditation, Biodynamic Breathwork, Somatic Therapy

    Aura Institute

    Mind Body Coach Certificate

    The Embody Lab

    Somatic Stress Release

    Dr Scott Lyons,The Embody Lab

    Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy

    The Embody Lab

    Masters of Sophrology – 3 year program

    BSin Psychology from the University of Southern California.

    Specialty Trainings:

    Sophrology for Teens

    Sophrology for Eating Disorders

    In Progress:  The Polyvagal Certificate Course: Safety, Connection & the Human Experience

    Dr Stephen Porges, The Polyvagal Institute

    Somatic Mentorship

    The Embody Lab

    Integrative Parts Work

    Fran Booth, The Embody Lab

    Somatic Experiencing®

    3 year program