The Session is a dynamic structured practice and effective approach to human development and change. The Session is a holistic therapy using the structured practice of Sophrology. Sophrology integrates Eastern practices such as Raja yoga, Zen, Buddhism, mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, and Western science including psychotherapy practices, neuroscience, Phenomenology Philosophy, and Quantum Physics. Mindfulness is used as a door to reveal the unconscious belief system of the individual and to allow us to go deep into the subconscious. Sophrology means the study of consciousness. We raise our consciousness of our mind, body and spirit, initiating more positivity and awakening our inner strength.

During The Session, transformation begins when awareness is turned toward the felt body, the present experience. The client is guided into deep states of body awareness where one experiences sensation, movement, inner images and clients learn how their nervous system has organized itself around old habitual patterns that may not be serving them. New positive experiences are felt and integrated into the neural pathways to enact change in the conscious life. The Session begins with breathing techniques and Sophrology tools to use in your daily life. Sessions are recorded and available for you to use as much as you can in between Sessions.

The Session can be tailored to your individual needs. It can help one to release anxiety, combat low moods, release stress, create more restful and rejuvenating sleep, find purpose, focus on exams or events, release past trauma, feel more confident, learn to be your true self, and live a happier life. You become conscious of your own capacities to combat any ailment and go through a process of positive self transformation.


Sophrology means “The study of consciousness.” It is a structured technique that encompasses hypnotherapy, meditation, mindfulness, Nidra and Raja yoga philosophy and movements to change brain waves and release tension. The practice is founded on philosophies from Zen, Buddhism, Phenomenology, quantum physics and neuroscience. The Session is experiential and will awaken your inner capacities, enacting transformation.


I believe life is a continuous learning journey. I have a BS in Psychology from the University of Southern California. I then went on to practice Interior Design, connecting the emotional experience with the aesthetic of one’s physical living space. Always exploring the elements around us and how textures, form, color, impact our emotional well being.

I became more passionate about emotional well being on a holistic level and am a qualified Sophrologist. I truly believe in the power of self healing and am passionate to support others in connecting to their innate power and capacities.


A session can be described as a facilitation of self empowerment. Tailored to help the individual embody the full potential of their being. Please get in touch for more information or booking inquiries.